Thursday, July 21, 2011

1/2 Birthday!!

We can't believe we have been parents for 1/2 of a year!! WOW!
Age: 6 months
Weight: 15 lbs, 5 oz (35%)
Length: 27 in (90%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 in (42%)
Health: Perfect little angel...she got an A+ at the dr!
Size clothes: mainly 3 months and 3-6 months...and a few 6 month dresses
Size diapers: size 2
Eat: 6 times a day...mainly bottles...still nursing at bedtime or if the pump isn't around!
Sleeps: sometimes a few naps sometimes 1 nap...depends on what she does that day! Usually sleeps 10-12 hours at night (yesterday she slept 9:30 pm-9:30 am!)
# of Wake ups at night: none
Milestone: She pushes up on her hands constantly and scoots across the floor on her back! She will sit up by herself for a few seconds at a time before losing her balance!
Disposition: happy although she has started getting fussy when you put her down and walk away from her
Loves: to take naps with you, and to "talk" to you and she still loves her "lovie" and her hands and feet! She has really enjoyed her toys lately too!
Doesn’t like: for you to walk away from her or out of her have to really distract her with a cool toy or something
Just learned: how to sit up (still propped on her hands)
Smiles when: anyone looks at her or talks to her
Recent trips: She stayed with lots of people while mommy and daddy went on a cruise and she also went to her first peach festival and her first baby shower!

Here are some more pics...

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