Saturday, June 19, 2010

The past month...

Well, the past month has definitely been a memorable one...

On May 18th I was 40 days from when my last period had started so Jesse made me buy a test after we had dinner...funny thing is we got it from the dollar store! worked...Jesse was so excited that he took a picture and sent it to our good friends Joe and Meg...they knew that we had been trying and were super excited for us but we made them keep it a secret. We actually got back in the car and got a more "reliable" test from Rite-Aid (actually a 2 pack) just in case the dollar store one was wrong. I took another one that night and another in the morning and they were both positive as well. We were super excited once we finally believed it but weren't completely convinced until we had the doctor confirm everything was a go! The next morning I called the doctor and they informed me I was 6 weeks along and they set up an appointment for Monday, May 24th for lab work.

We decided that we would tell our parents that weekend before the appointment. We went on Saturday to my moms house and gave her a bib that says I love grandma...and then we went to Jesse's parents house and gave them both bibs that says I love grandma and I love grandpa. They were all very excited. Then we walked over to Jesse's grandparents house to share the good news with them...Jesse's mom and dad both walked in wearing the new bibs...we got it on video! It is great! Later that night Jesse called his brother, Chance, who is stationed in North Dakota in the Air Force and told him he would be an uncle...everyone was very excited!

My mom with the bib!

Jesse's dad and mom with the bibs!

Jesse's grandparents and their reaction!

The doctors appointment was very basic on the 24th. They did some blood work...made me pee in a cup and gave me prenatals. We didn't even actually see the doctor! We went back on June 2nd to see the doctor and hear the was AMAZING! So far all we really know is our due date is set for January 14th and we are just praying for a healthy baby! I have been extremely tired (so thank goodness its summer break!) but have only gotten sick a few times. Every afternoon/evening I feel a little nauseated but its not awful. The only thing I really crave is bread..breadsticks, rolls, whatever but thats not any different from not being pregnant since I am a carb-o-holic! I can't stand meat right now...bacon is ok and I have had Chikfila chicken minis in the mornings a few times but for the most part meat sounds horrible. I am currently at 10 weeks and I am counting down until the end of June for the first trimester to be OVER! The next doctors appointment is scheduled for June 30th...we will keep you posted!! Thanks for praying for our little bean!

Me @ 7 weeks and 4 days (May 24th)


  1. Congratulations, Sarah! I hope you start feeling better soon. :)

  2. Congrats!! The first 2 test I took came from the Dollar Store as well. I didn't believe it b/c how reliable can something from the Dollar Store be, right?! :) 7 "reliable" tests later and I was finally convinced! I'm glad you have a blog to document this wonderful time in your life!
