Thursday, January 27, 2011

Georgia Grace and Her Visitors...

Lots of family and friends came to the hospital to see the new arrival...

Here is my mom, Jesse's parents, and grandparents as they look at her from the nursery window! (I love how they are on cell phones calling others!!)

After thinking I was going to have the baby sometime late afternoon since I started pushing at 3, Kellee and Anya were relieved when they finally heard that Georgia Grace and I were both healthy and ok! They came straight to the hospital Friday night (while I was still hooked to the morphine pump!)

Mrs. Carter came by Saturday morning (forgive me...I wasn't able to shower until 24 hours after the c-section because of the bandage so I know I look ROUGH!) She is so excited to have a new baby to be Yaya to!

Meg and Joe brought Liam to meet his new friend! He was styling in his plaid shirt!

Amy came to see us and she helped lather up Georgia Grace's dry hands and feet that were peeling from being in my belly for so long!

Jesse's Aunt Rita and cousin Samantha

The Dodson's came by to see her!

The Rodriguez's came by to introduce Peyton to what Philip says is his future girlfriend!

Jesse's grandmother's sister, Patricia came by!

And Jesse's Aunt Laurie, Uncle Stace, and cousin Emilee!

Mary and Tony came by after church!
And so did Lindsey!!
Uncle Patrick came by to see "Patty" Grace as he named her. It was hilarious because the nurse thought he had the wrong room when he said he was there to see his new niece. I said, no, that's Patrick! She looked at me like I was crazy!

Jesse's mom's cousin Vickie came by to see us too!

Thanks to all of you who came and for the food and gifts and goodies you brought us!

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